Keep your bins clean, keep a clean home

Can you really call a house “clean” when the rubbish bins reek?.
Make sure your home smells fresh and is spotless from top to bin-bottoms

Thoroughly cleaned bins

Disinfected and deodorised

Choose fortnightly, monthly or one off cleans

Automated payment system

Discover the secret to a truly clean home.

Homeowners or renters just like you naturally wouldn’t dream of neglecting a single corner of their living space and that includes the very place most likely to accumulate nasty smells and creepy crawlies: the bins.

But just because you haven’t the time or the inclination to scrub every square inch of your bins yourself, doesn’t mean you can’t make sure they’re as sanitary as you need them to be. 

Just call The Bin Butler, the professional bin clean team who can ensure that your bins are kept clean and smelling fresh on a consistent, regular basis at affordable rates.

Your bins will be pressure-cleaned in our trailer, then wiped down with microfibre cloth. All excess water at the bottom of each bin is mopped away, and a disinfectant and deodoriser spray is used to finish the job.

Schedule these reasonably priced, professional services at your convenience for a one-off clean, or as an ongoing fortnightly or monthly bin cleaning. For ongoing cleans, you’ll pay from $10 per bin using your credit card. Once the quick and easy, one-time setup is complete, you’ll never have to give bin cleaning a second thought.

Clean bins conveniently and with tender, loving care.

You’ll be informed every step of the way

Receive text messages and emails after you complete an order form, on bin day, itself; and after bin cleaning is completed. You’ll always know exactly when our team is coming, and you can count on them to show up on schedule no matter what the weather. They’ll take care of the entire cleaning process even if you aren’t home to supervise them.

You’ll be living in a clean and healthy home

You don’t need university experts and the World Health Organisation to tell you that improperly managed rubbish breeds all sorts of diseases affecting the digestive system, eyes, lungs and skin. Regular professional bin cleaning can make a world of difference in keeping your family and pets safe.

Your neighbours will thank you for it

Why wait for a Dear Neighbour letter calling your attention to your filthy and unsightly bins? Many city councils consider “unconstrained or excessive rubbish” as a contributor to “dangerous or unsightly premises”. Emptying your bins won’t matter much if the bins themselves are covered in grime and goodness-knows-what. Do your part in maintaining the overall appearance of your community by keeping your bins clean.



Up to 2 bins per visit
$ 30 Per Visit
  • Up to 2 bins per visit
  • Cleaned by custom bin cleaning machine
  • Disinfected & deodorised
  • Text reminders before service
  • Easy Automatic Payments
  • 5 visit minimum

Monthly Cleaning

Up to 2 bins per visit
$ 30 Per Visit
  • Up to 2 bins per visit
  • Cleaned by custom bin cleaning machine
  • Disinfected & deodorised
  • Text reminders before service
  • Easy Automatic Payments
  • 3 visit minimum

One-Off Cleaning

Up to 2 bins cleaned
$ 60 Per Visit
  • Up to 2 bins
  • Cleaned by custom bin cleaning machine
  • Disinfected & deodorised
  • Text reminders before service
  • Invoice sent after cleans are completed
  • no minimum visits